Monday, July 28, 2014

Prison Break Thoughts


I tried out my Prison Break scenario. The type and size of the prison is determined by a single die roll and I rolled the most powerful station. At 4 shields, 4 guns, 3 missiles and 2 AAR, I knew it would be tough. I had 4 pirate ships, surely that would make it a close fight?

Not really. The ships came in 48 inches away and well, got the crap blasted out of them as they came closer. The prison counted as a Class 5 ship and every hit hurt. My two Class 4 Ravagers got umm, ravaged. When the Prison made contact on their distress call and 3 Class 3 ships showed up, there was nothing for the pirates to do but run.

Much like last time’s Crypt Ship Adventure, the initial die roll to determine forces set the tone. The pirates were out classed from the start. I am not too bothered by this as asymmetrical battles seem to be what Star Navy is all about.

I am more concerned with well, how dull it was to attack a stationary target. It was a simple matter to closing in where as even when attacking a merchant ship, there is some maneuvering. I am tempted to modify this by putting a defending force around the prison to begin with. I could create a chart to generate a garrison force that protects the prison.

If I do this, I need to weaken the prison considerably. Maybe reduce it down to something with a lot of hull but weaker weapons. It could still be Class 5 but maybe only have 2 guns and 1 missile. I’ll have to think about it.

Either way, I don’t think the pirates attack a fixed point is interesting in itself. I think a garrison force is needed to jazz it up and encourage more strategy from the pirate player.

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