Saturday, April 5, 2014

Random Adventures

Star Navy comes with four missions but if you are a space pirate; you only get the one mission. Patrol can be fun but since this is space pirates, I would like to delve in something more high swashbuckling action. 

One of my inspirations is the random mission table in the old Realms of Chaos game. if you haven't played it, it is a simulation for chaos warbands fighting each other. It is fun and pretty ridiculously broken.  A bad roll can make for some ugly unfair fights where you can throw a cultist and his two peasants versus knight and his pet hydra. On the other hand, random missions had you performing prison breaks, hijacking wagon trains and engaging in crazy duels.

I would like to come up with something that is fun but not quite broken. Star Navy has a fairly good system of generating random enemies that keeps it interesting. The only thing it is missing is doing something a smidge more dramatic.

My initial idea is that every period in the pirate campaign, the player can choose to either go on a patrol, or they invest their time in ports and bars looking for a good score. They roll on a chart and find out what adventure is happening at the time. If they decide not to go on the adventure, well they lose their turn in the campaign map and must make a morale roll as if they had failed a misison.

How many adventures will be on the chart? I think Realms of Chaos made you roll a D00. I don't think we'll do that many. Say, six to start with?

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