Friday, April 18, 2014

Adventure: Vendetta

Some pirates just don’t get along. While looking for clues to a big score, the pirate player managed to talk to the wrong attractive person, brag a little too loudly in a brothel or punched out a crewman to another pirate. Whatever the reason, the player has started a feud with another pirate that can only be settled in the cold battlefield of space. This adventure will yield little to no treasure but the personal honor of the pirates are on the line.

First, generate the pirate fleet of the pirate who has been offended. Use the patrol contact chart on page 34 of the Star navy rules to determine the size of the fleet. Generate pirate ships as normal.

Second, determine which pirate decided where to have the fight. Do this by rolling the player’s flagship’s rep vs the vendetta pirate’s flagship’s rep. Roll one die for each point of rep and add it together. The highest result picked the area of space, which means for this conflict, they count as “Controlling the Space”

Now that a place has been picked, both pirates take their fleets there. Roll for long range scans and do initial setup as normal.

The Vendetta fight does not necessarily go to the death. Ships are allowed to break off at any time. The winner is determined by who has the last ship on the field of battle.

Losing the Vendetta means that the player counts the mission as failed for morale purposes.

Winning the vendetta means that the player counts the mission as a success for morale purposes.

If the pirate flagship is captured, generate 2d6 CV as flagships always hold onto the best loot and this represents the player knicking the pirates’ collection of gold cups and jeweled underwear.

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