Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Flight of the Reroll Part Two

Captain Grognard sat in the Captain’s chair on the bridge. He paused his game of ‘Angry Asteroids’ and took a look at his crew. The helmsman was browsing his timeline on Shipper, the ship’s social media program. The weapons officer was flirting with the communications officer. The security guard was showing her tattoos to the missiles officer.

Hey, at least no one was drinking today. It had three days since they took Maddof’s Greed and the crew was still flush with excitement. They wanted more loot. They wanted more battles. Most of all they wanted to hit something and not miss a dozen times because they were drunk.

“Captain, I have something,” Isis said. She was wearing a Nexian fur coat that she took from the looted freighter. It was too hot to wear in ship but she had stripped down to her underwear to compensate. She was proud of her coat and she wasn’t going to stop wearing it.

“What do we have?” Captain Grognard said.

“Looks like two ships,” Isis said. “The Supply Side and the Goldman’s Sack. A freighter and a runner.”

Captain Grognard sat up in his chair. “Helm, set a course. Arm the weapons and raise the shields! The first firing crew to disable a ship gets first pick of the loot!”


Welcome to part 2 of my first Space Pirates AAR. After looting the grand freighter, The Reroll went off looking for new targets. We had some exciting activations and movement on the campaign map and now we finally have another contact.

Image from The Reroll's Scanners
A series of rolls determine that we have 2 ships this time. One is a plain old freighter and the other is a runner. Both are Class 3 with Rep 3 and a die roll determines that the Runner is the flagship.

We go to the Long Range Scans. Again, I am unclear as to what faction Merchants belong to. They are Gaea Prime Merchants but does that mean Gaea Prime Planetary Forces or Star Navy. For these first AAR’s, I went with Star Navy.

I get a total of five successes for the Merchants and only 3 for the Pirates. Starting distance is once again 72 inches! Merchants also start perpendicular to the pirates which is awfully awkward for pirates who are supposed to be hunting merchants.

At 72 inches away, the Pirates don’t bother to fire, they just try to close in. The Merchants try to run away and because I determined that merchants can’t call for help until fired upon, we have several turns where the pirates try to catch up to the Merchants and the Merchants are hoping the unaffiliated ship that is chasing them just wants to read their license plate to see if it has a joke.

The Merchants decide to stay together and will travel at the freighter’s slower speed. I figured that they would be safer if the concentrate their fire together.

7 turns of high thrust and maneuvers later, the pirates catch up to within 2 inches. With two targets, I decide to fire missiles at the freighter and use my guns on the runner. Mostly I am afraid that since The Reroll is a higher class then the merchants I may annihilate them if I use all my weapons on one ship.

The freighter tries desperately to evade and manages to dodge a missile! The other missile detonates into the hull for 4 points of damage. This would destroy the Freighter except that I am using the concentrated rules supplement which doubles the hull points of all ships. Whew!

The Reroll opens fire on the Runner with its guns. Two successes means all guns hit minus one for the shield for one hit to the hull. 4 points of damage are inflicted, cutting the Runner’s hull in half. Again, if it wasn’t for the concentrated fire rules, the Runner would be dead.

The freighter rolls their received damage test and passes easily. The runner fails their roll and their Rep is reduced to 2. I imagine a panel blew up in the face of someone important.

The Supply Side and the Goldman’s Sack retaliate by concentrating fire. They each have one gun so they would have no chance on their own of damaging The Reroll. The Runner gets 1 success, rounded down for zero guns. The Freighter gets 2 successes for one gun successful. My understanding is that they still roll a single d6 to try to hit a penetration of one. They fail.

The Merchants also call for help. They get one success!

“Thank you for contacting Star Navy Dispatch. Your wait time for a Star Navy ship Comm Officer is estimated at thirteen cycles. Please enjoy this complimentary Xoeg music.”

The Merchants go. They concentrate fire in a desperate attempt to stop the pirate ship. Both ships get one success but rounded down that is a 0. I think the PV still counts as one. They still get no penetration.

The merchants also call for help again. They get one success, again. I wonder if it stacks? Let’s call that Discussion Point #2
“Thank you for contacting Star Navy Dispatch. Your wait time for a Star Navy ship Comm Officer is estimated at eleven cycles. Please enjoy this complimentary instructional audio on how to avoid Space Cough.”

The pirates go. Due to some rather crappy flying on my part, The Reroll can’t decelerate in time to keep the merchants in front of them. They shoot past both merchants. I am still well within gun range so I let loose on the runner.

The Pirates shoot at the runner for 2 successes for 2 guns. That goes through one shield for 4 more hull points. Oops. The Goldman’s Sack explodes in a fiery but silent space explosion.

The Supply Side just saw the flagship blow up. They make a Friend Destroyed Test and only get one success. They surrender!
“Captain, we are receiving a transmission from the Supply Side. They are offering to surrender, as well as offering their credit disc codes and the name of a private bar on New Hope.”

“Yes,” Captain Grognard said. “All part of my cunning plan. See, once you destroy one of them, the other surrenders! I knew it all along!”

The crew cheered and Grognard sighed with relief. They seemed to have bought that and don’t seem to mind at all that they have one less ship to loot.

I rolled one success for the surrender which reads that the pirates take the ship. It is a crappy little Class Freighter and I am not sure if that is worth taking along. I will decide later. For now I assume that Grognard assigned a skeleton crew and sent the ship somewhere safe so they can sell the cargo in peace.

For loot, I roll,

Bay 1-goods for cv 9
Bay 2 – commodities for cv 3
Bay 3 – goods for cv 9
Bay 4 – rarities for cv 15

It is a small haul but still something. Maybe I can convert the ship to cv. It is something to think about.

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