Saturday, May 3, 2014

Update From Sick Bay

My wife's leg and ankle are healing nicely.  She now has 6 pins and 2 metal plates which I think makes her bionic. Heck, it makes her more of a pirate than I am now.

Her leg is still in a cast which means she can't put any weight on it. She has been stuck at home and I take care and assist her all day. It puts a real crimp in any sort of tabletop gaming.

I am still working on making random adventures for Star Navy. I broke out my old Realms of Chaos books for adventure ideas because in my flawed memory, I thought there was a random adventure generator that had hundreds of adventures. The reality is that the book had closer to 50 and most of them were variations of Guy A has sworn to kill his arch-enemy/rival/total stranger who just happens to be Guy B. It wasn't the wellspring of adventures that I remembered it being.

The tricky thing about making adventures for Star Navy is the ability of non-merchant ships to break away from combat on their turn. I am assuming this means they are going to warp speed or hyperspace as it prevents their enemies from following them. This instant escape hatch eliminates a lot of scenarios where the player would be required to shoot their way out of a trap or through a blockade. I am debating changing the rules for breaking off but I am still undecided. I often take the attitude that game designers make their decisions for a reason and I am loathe to tamper with that.

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