Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Adventure: Thrill-Raiders of the Rich and Famous

Pirates aren’t the only scourges of space. The sons and daughters of the decadently rich sometimes form fleets with their yachts and raid shipping and transport ships for the fun of it. They command crews of slightly less wealthy flunkies who want to tag along with those more notorious than them.

Worse, these wealthy thrill raiders rarely even loot the ships they destroy. They are in it for the fun and the violence. These dangerous spawn of the wealthy rarely pay a price for their raids as their parents will protect them from the authorities. In fact, several Captains have been removed from command because they stopped the fun of some rich bastard’s spoiled child.

Nothing can protect them from Space Pirates though. Even better, if a Space Pirate snags a rich heir alive, then they can ransom them back to their parents.

Lucky for the player, he has received a tip as to where a fleet of rich kids are intending to hunt. The player will intercept this fleet and attempt a few choice kidnappings.

The Thrill Raider fleet is comprised of Class 3 Runner ships. The number of ships in the force is equal to the number of pirate ships + d6. These ships will never call for help and if they did, local authorities would lose their call.

Set up is for a normal patrol contact.

For each Runner ship captured or forced to surrender, the Pirate player get 50 CV for ransom. 

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